Go Away

The current Administration is trashing two of the most powerful symbols of America. Those, of course, are the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, which are beacons of hope for immigrants, the oppressed and refugees. Lady Liberty and Ellis communicated freedom, a chance to start again, an open invitation to make of oneself what one wanted to be. Trump is making a mockery of that by reducing the intake of foreigners justĀ to one-third of its historical average. He has often stated he wants to keep people out of America. He wants a wall on the southern border. He sees outsiders as a threat to the United States and not added ingredients to a cultural stew. All this has come as a shock to those who want to emigrate here. It is a mordant surprise to Americans who believe this land is the terrain of immigrants. There is little to be done until the next Presidential election. Then,voters can decide whether to stand by Trump or toss him out.